Fanatic 2011

Les protos et les nouveaux millésimes
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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par Olivier44 »

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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par stephane29 »

j'ai teste la 101 ben ca n'a plus rien a voir par rapport a avant, plus de puissance au cul, pres largement ameliore, le vent n'etait pas assez constant pour vraiment essayer differents reglages; par contre ca navigue bien a plat.
pdielthem 110/87 exo warp speed
gun sails mega xs 2010 5.7 loft 7.0 6.3/7.8
aileron tecto talon 26/30/32
aileron caspar
35.62 en pd 110 et 7.0 blade
39.21KTS EN EXO WARP SPEED et gun mega xs
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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par Olivier44 »

Fanatic Falcon Select fin's selector avec le nouveau Select Elite S11 :

:arrow: ... -1_eng.pdf" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par francois »

Speed 45, speed 51, de nouvelle planches ? :wink:
F195 - Mes feedbacks

Vends MauiSails carbone 190-240 + ailerons de slalom
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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par Olivier44 »

Des infos sur ces nouvelles Falcon Speed de Peter de Wit sur le forum Fanatic :


The Falcon speed is a very fast board so for Fanatic there seemed to be no need for anything else..
But Fanatic decided to go for a 2 board speedrange..

OR you can savely say a 3!! board speedrange with the 85 as the "big" dragracer I have already reached unbelievable high speed's on this 58 wide board, I tested this board in the proto stage and was confident the board was more than a knot faster than the 86 but in competition is was even faster...

The two boards in the "pipeline" are a 51 wide and a 45 wide.

Becourse I have been testing and helping Fanatic creating these 2 speed's I will try to answer.

The 51 wide is a medium to highwind speedboard for use in hairy choppy open water speed conditions
And low wind 7.0 speed on superflat speedcourse water.

The 51 is very controllable and easy in the chop, it accellerates like the Falcon speed and keeps the momentum even if the wind is dipping or the chop is trying to breakdown the foilshape of the sail (the bottom is making the chop disapear keeping the sail as still as possible)
In superflat lowwind 7.0 conditions the board sit's high on the water making it easy to keep friction as low as can be.
The big advantage of the 51 is the way it keeps momentum for very long highspeed run's.
This board compairs best to the Falcon speed or a low volume version of the Falcon 80/78 and lower in Volume than most 53/54 speedboards. "

The 45 key words: highend orientated, control, high topend and a chopbreaking bottom.
This makes this "the" board ot set all PB's sharper on the hardcore speedcourse.
(This board compairs to the F2 missile xs and the SB 44/JP 45)

Both board's feel softer than the Falcon Speed, both boards are less fin sensitive.

With the 85 (58) 51 and 45 I'm very confident Fanatic has a very competative SPEED range.

Fanatic is planning the release in spring 2011"

"As ALL Fanatic's these two have been shaped by Sebastian Wenzel I have been communicating a lot about these two boards with him but he combined all the info into these two designs.

I have tested the Falcon Speed and the 51, every time the range of the 51 suprises me, it is simply faster or as fast in ALL conditions the Speed would be used in..

Do not forget one thing here, the Falcon speed was a real mono CC bottom this bottom is very powerfull the 51 has about as much power but is slightly wider with a lot of extra control build into this shape, I would not like to compete in the French cup with the Speed but with the 51 it would be so much easier!
51 sounds a bit wide but this board feels very small...(you even need the same amount of power from the fin, I use the 51 with a 25 cm Caspar speed for 6,2)

The 45 is the Record hunter this board could also work for light guy's with tiny sails or in 40+ knots wind's.... but normally the 51 would be so much faster on the 500m competition course, becourse the control is perfect and the average speed is simply higher.
Plus, going back to the start in the french cup must be pretty fysical on the Falcon speed...the 51 has a bigger range.

The 45 and 51 are the same as a conventional 42/43 and 48/49 speedboard the extra wide is not affecting the pure speed negatively caused by the special bottom Sebastian has designed.

So If the Falcon 51 is in shop I would suggest: swap it for the Falcon speed!!"
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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par Olivier44 »

Le proto de la Speed 45 :

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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par Olivier44 »

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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par Olivier44 »

La Fanatic Skate en action avec Gollito Estredo, champion du monde PWA 2010 de Freestyle :

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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par Olivier44 »

Marcilio Browne ripping with his favourite equipment : Fanatic Quad and North Sails ICE !

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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par Olivier44 »

"We wish all Fanatic addicts out there a Merry Christmas and hope you will get the chance to spend some valuable time with your families and friends.
Have a great start to the year 2011, hopefully somewhere on the water !"

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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par Olivier44 »

Fanatic Speed 45 et 51 sur le forum Fanatic

The boards I tested (the last proto's) had the following measurements,

The 45 wide:
Purpose: PR-board -focus topspeed-
54 liter, 27cm OFO, Fin's 21 to max 25cm, Sails between 4,7 and 6,5

The 51 wide:
Purpose: allround speed machine -focus average speed-
70 liter, 33 cm OFO, Fin's 25 to max 29cm, Sails between 5,5 and 7,3

The numbers can be slightly different from the final numbers it is a guide!!

I have not seen the final graphics yet... hope it is as nice as the Falcon Slalom's...what more can we hope for..

Best regards,
Peter (NED 161)
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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par Olivier44 »

Fanatic Ray LTD 130 2011 par Swelladdiction :

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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par Olivier44 »

Fanatic Falcon Speed 2012 45 et 51 :

Falcon speed 45 : 228 x 45, 54 litres, Biax Carbon Sandwich Ligh, Tuttle Box
Falcon Speed 51 : 230 x 51, 65 litres, Biax Carbon Sandwich Ligh, Tuttle Box

FANATIC EARLY RELEASE 2012 - FALCON SPEED 45 & 51 : ... x_fra.html

Deux shapes supersoniques de vitesse pure viennent compléter la gamme des Falcon. Les toutes nouvelles 51 et 45 (largeur en cm) s’alignent aux cotés de la Falcon 85 Slalom Race, qui est aussi une parfaite option de course pour des runs au taquet dans des conditions plus marginales et sur des spots rafaleux.

Contrairement aux planches de Slalom que l’on utilise rarement sur une eau parfaitement plate et qui requièrent planning et flottabilité dans les manoeuvres, les Falcon 45 et 51 sont dédiées entièrement à la vitesse et bénéficient d’une carène spécifique et d’une distribution de volume qui offrent un contrôle absolu sur eau plate comme dans le clapot.

La surface mouillée de la 51 supporte une 7,0m² sur un parcours de course, et ses rails rentrés, son pont rabaissé et son outline droit découpent le clapot tout en conservant stabilité et vitesse sur les longs runs.

La 45 est faite pour ces journées dont nous rêvons tous. Plan de Shape tendu, contour de pied intelligent « Grab Rail » et carène double concave pour des accélérations ultimes avec un contrôle total, la 45 vous laisse repousser vos limites sans devoir vous soucier d’autre chose.

Peter de Wit, Rider Fanatic et un des leaders des classements GPS :
« Abattre à fond sur un run de vitesse sur une des Falcon Speed 2012 est comparable à un rapace plongeant sur sa proie. Le pont rabaissé, et le contour de pied sont incroyables, on croirait porter une chaussure de sprint, alors que le gréement lui reste totalement stable. L’accélération est fulgurante, la résistance inexistante et le contrôle est absolu, du coup, on peut se concentrer uniquement sur le run. Il n’y a rien de plus excitant et intense que ce moment ! »

Points Clé :
- Pont super rabaissé pour la stabilité du gréement
- Ecoulement de volume S-Shape
- Nouveau Grab Rail Shape pour confort maximal du pied
- Arrière pincé à 70° pour moins de trainée
- Carène passant de V en double concave pour contrôle de vitesse optimisé
- Léger rocker sur l’arrière pour sensations de vitesse maximales
- Design CAD des lignes et courbes
- Outline tendu

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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par falcon007 »

nice !
Patrik Air 145 + GSF 8
Tabou 66 + Gun Vector 7 / 6.3 / 5.6
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Re: Fanatic 2011

Message par frank44 »

falcon007 a écrit :nice !
Skate : 1978 _ Surf : 1985 _ Windsurf : 1988 _ SUP : 2008